opmod 4.21b24 23109 handler 208 skin naruto - apa kabar sobat?
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Untuk kali ini saya akan membagikan keluaran terbaru dari opmod yang sekarang sudah sampai versi opmod 4.2124 (23109), dan kali sudah dihandlerkan dengan hui208 oleh masta dzebb dan saya remodif skinnya dengan skin naruto.
Dan berikut ini Changelog Opera Mini Mod 4.21B24 (23109):
- Can be removed from the hot to the folding of the lower curb with insufficient width of the screen (* is the probability of “creeping” of commands to each other).
- Adding the native character
of the Latin Extended-A to available to change the case. - Setting the time “long” holding the button in the direct input and keyboard.
- In bootloader command to
reset changes Cancel replaced on the team back with the handling of boot options. - In the Lite-version removed removal screenshots, export of color in graphical form,support converting icons from argb-format png.
- Altering registry.
- The change in the list of
available commands tabs.
- Optimization in the file manager.
- Buffered read UTF.
- Edit update status window after removing the boot record/records.
- When you turn on a link
button in the menu and open
the link to the current page
is loaded, the final address was taken not to jump from the page and from the input field, which shows the state of the opening of the current page (“Loading XX / ={BANNED} KB”) and was a mistake. - Autorun list did not work when adding a link to the image.
- Edit page positioning opening
direct input field. - Optimizing the rendering status window loader and FTP.
- With continuous concealment of the lower border, center the background image is not smooth.
- On a blank home page update was available thumbnails
sobat baru saja membaca artikel tentang Aplikasi handler /
opera mini unik
dengan judul opmin modif 4.21b24 handler skin naruto. Sobat bisa bookmark halaman ini dengan URL https://shootxcla.blogspot.com/2012/11/opmin-modif-421b24-handler-skin-naruto.html. Terima kasih sobat!
Ditulis oleh:
Anonim - Senin
keren bang :D
BalasHapusmakasih sob hehe
Hapuskeren sekali...!
BalasHapushehe,silahkan di share sob,kalo suka
HapusItw opmin bs auto reload gk bang??
BalasHapusbisa sob
BalasHapusgan ijin comot !!!
klau ada wktu yg skin android juga y gan ?